7.8.2009 | 13:03
vill ekki strķš
Póland vildi ekki strķš, Ķrakar vildu ekki strķš. Žegar į mann er rįšist žį er mašur ķ strķši, hvort sem mašur vill žaš eša ekki. žaš er alveg ljóst aš viš erum ķ strķši, žó aš ekki sé eins ljóst hverjir allir óvinirnir eru, en eitt er vķst hluti af óvininum eru Bretar og Hollendinar, og ekkert hefur veriš gert, svo neinu muni, til aš svara žeim įrįsum sem žeir hafa gert.
Vill ekki strķš viš ašrar žjóšir | |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
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Uppfęrt į 3 mķn. fresti.
Europe is your enemy and they are getting tired of your moaning and groaning !!!!!. You act like spoilt children.....Are you stupid, are you an idiot or do you really think you do not have to pay for all the British, Dutch, German and other Nations money Iceland has stolen to pay for all those toys you bought. The jeeps, the luxury cars, the quad bikes, the 3.5 ton american waggons, the mobile homes, the trailer tents, the new summer houses, the range rovers, the Lexus cars, the BMW“s, the 1,800 empty homes, the big empty office blocks half built.....Get a brain !!!!
Fair Play (IP-tala skrįš) 7.8.2009 kl. 13:35
mr "Fair play"
If I will be robbed in UK, shall I collect my money from you ?????
Icelandic people havn't stolen anything.. Not a darn thing... and Why on earth should we pay some stranger, his hisposid... those where PRIVATE BANKS, not something the icelandic nation owns.
this is totally not fair in any way.
and those jeeps, luxury cars came with "cheap" loans... no one owns these cars.
gįttažefur (IP-tala skrįš) 7.8.2009 kl. 14:47
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.